ICBC Announces knowledge tests for all applicants By Appointment – Beginning June 1, 2020
Starting June 1, 2020, we will be resuming knowledge tests for all applicants across the province. To book an appointment please call 1-800-950-1498 or 250-978-8300 and leave a voicemail. A representative will return your call within three business days and in the order of which the voicemail is received. Please only leave one voicemail.
All appointments will be 45 minutes per knowledge test and there will be no stand-by appointments at this time.
First knowledge test fees will be waived for Learner Driver's Licences (class 5-8) that expired on or after March 17, 2020. Any further test fees will not be waived. This change is in effect immediately until 90 days after the COVID-19 public health emergency is lifted.
Translation services for knowledge testing will also be reinstated effective June 1st, 2020, adhering to WorkSafeBC guidelines. At a minimum, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as a basic mask (disposable, cloth etc.) for both you and your translator must be worn when conducting tests. We will not provide any PPE and if a customer or translator is not wearing a mask, they will be asked to leave.
If you require a translator, please inform your representative when booking your appointment. Please check the translation service page for more information.